How to use AI In the Classroom - 5 Step Guide

How to use AI In the Classroom - 5 Step Guide

5 min read February 6, 2024
✨ Summary: Explore the dynamic integration of AI into classroom settings with our 5-step guide on how to use AI in the classroom. This resource provides educators with a strategic approach to introduce AI tools safely and effectively, enhancing teaching and learning experiences. From selecting the right AI educational tools to ethical considerations and planning your first AI-enhanced lesson, our guide ensures a thoughtful and impactful adoption of AI technology. Perfect for teachers aiming to augment their educational practices with AI, this guide offers practical steps and critical insights for a successful integration.

How to use AI In the Classroom - 5 Step Guide

If you’re a teacher looking to use AI in the classroom, then this guide is for you.

I’m going to outline how teachers can introduce it to their students in a safe and effective way.

We’ll start by talking about how to conduct research on tools to use in the classroom, then talk about PDs for teachers who are looking to incorporate AI into their classrooms.

We will also talk about Ethics and AI - when is it ok to use it, when is it not?

Finally, I have included a step-by-step breakdown of how to plan your first lesson where kids have access to AI in a way that’s safe and engaging.

Research AI Educational Tools

Look into specific AI tools that are designed for education, focusing on those that offer formative assessment capabilities. This might include AI-based platforms that can analyze student submissions, provide instant feedback, and tailor learning experiences based on individual student needs.

Read our post about 6 AI Tools to use in the Classroom (+4 ChatGPT prompts) for some ideas.

Participate in Professional Development

Engage in workshops, webinars, or courses focused on AI in education. These opportunities can provide hands-on experience with AI tools and insights into best practices for integrating these technologies into your teaching.

Check our 3-video PD series on how to use AI tools in the classroom if you want to get started right away.

Think about it 🤔 Recognize how AI can supplement traditional teaching methods by providing data-driven insights, automating routine tasks, and personalizing learning at scale. This doesn’t mean replacing the teacher but enhancing their ability to meet diverse student needs efficiently.

Identify Ethical Considerations

Be aware of the ethical implications of using AI in education, including privacy concerns and the importance of maintaining a human-centric approach in teaching and assessment.

Here’s a few things you should address when talking to students about AI:

1. Over-Reliance On Tools

Did you know that using GPS Maps decreases your spatial memory during self-guided navigation? Imagine if a student only learned how to write using AI, and never had to do any of the hard work that is writing an essay - they probably would not be able to do it without help from AI.

2. Plagiarism Risks

When using AI starts being plagiarism, where is the line? Matt Miller wrote a super interesting piece about that, that you can read here.

Rethinking Plagiarism and Cheating

3. Reduced Human Interaction

Learning is also about social skills, not just information. Relying too much on AI may reduce face-to-face time with teachers and other students. This could affect social development. How can we teach about AI but also stimulate human connection?

5 Steps to plan your first class with AI in the Classroom

Begin with a single class or assignment to see how AI can best support your formative assessment goals, then gradually expand its use based on success and feedback.

Step 1: Understand the AI Tool

Objective: Familiarize yourself with the capabilities, limitations, and ethical considerations of using AI in education. It’s best to get started with the most popular tools, like ChatGPT and Google Bard.

  • Action Items:

    • Spend time interacting with ChatGPT and Google Bard to understand their functionalities. Ask both simple and complex questions to see how they respond.

    • Review available materials on their official websites and educational forums to understand best practices for use in classrooms. Here’s a few links to get started:

    • Understand the concept of “hallucination” in LLMs, where the AI generates convincing but incorrect or nonsensical information.

Step 2: Set Clear Learning Objectives

Objective: Define what you want your students to achieve through this AI-integrated activity.

  • Action Items:

    • Choose a curriculum area where AI can provide meaningful support or enhancement. This could be writing, research, science, or another subject where inquiry can be stimulated.
    • Decide on specific learning outcomes, such as improving research skills, enhancing creative writing, or understanding a complex scientific concept.

Step 3: Design the Activity

Objective: Create an engaging and educational activity that utilizes ChatGPT or Bard to meet your learning objectives.

  • Activity Suggestion: “AI-Assisted Research and Presentation”

    • Description: Students will use ChatGPT or Bard to research a topic related to the current curriculum. They will then prepare a short presentation or report based on their findings, highlighting how the AI contributed to their research.

    • Instructions:

      • Formulate research questions or topics that are broad enough to allow for exploration but focused enough to be covered in a short presentation.
      • Guide students on how to interact with AI, including how to phrase questions and how to critically evaluate the information provided by the AI.
      • Discuss the importance of verifying information and using multiple sources, given the AI’s potential for inaccuracies or “hallucinations.”

Step 4: Prepare for Hallucinations

Objective: Educate students on the limitations of AI, focusing on the concept of hallucinations, and teach them how to critically assess AI-generated information.

  • Action Items:

    • Before the activity, have a discussion about how AI works and why it might generate incorrect information.
    • Teach students how to identify possible hallucinations by checking facts against verified sources.
    • Emphasize critical thinking and the importance of cross-referencing information, especially when using it for academic purposes.

Step 5: Reflect and Discuss

Objective: Conduct a post-activity session to reflect on the experience, discuss the findings, and evaluate the AI’s role in the learning process.

  • Action Items:

    • After the presentations, hold a class discussion on the benefits and challenges of using AI for research.
    • Encourage students to share their experiences, including any instances of AI hallucination and how they addressed it.
    • Discuss the implications of AI in future academic and professional settings, emphasizing ethical use and the importance of human oversight.
Andrew Gitner

Andrew Gitner

Your CoTeacher - EdTech Specialist & High School ELA Teacher

Andrew Gitner is an EdTech Specialist and ELA teacher with a decade of experience in the classroom. He is passionate about using AI to empower teachers and students.