How do you like CoGrader?
We asked teachers “How do you like CoGrader?”. Here’s some of what they said.

Thank you again. I am excited to assign more writing (my kids need so much practice!) now that I can give them specific and objective feedback more quickly. I may even postpone my retirement because of your product! I am 61, and now I think I can make it to 65.
Irene H., California
I am absolutely blown away by CoGrader so far! It has been excellent for pre-scoring essays and providing students with comprehensive, usable feedback. It has helped mitigate my subjectivity in scoring as well.
Megan P., Kentucky
I have been wishing for something like CoGrader since I started teaching and this is like a miracle to me. I think the feedback I'm going to be able to give my students is just unbelievable. I keep running around school telling everyone about it.
Mad M., Florida
I would absolutely LOVE it if Al would give feedback to my students... Then, give me an overview of their strengths and weaknesses. And point out specifics for students or groups of students for their needs and for their strengths.
Tamara H., New Jersey
I used CoGrader to assess 30 personal narratives with my own rubric. It was amazing! I loved all the personalized feedback for each student.
Although it took a bit to figure out the logistics since I don't use Google classroom, it was worth it! I was able to get those papers graded in record time and still had plenty of time to enjoy the rest of my spring break!
Michelle H., Indiana
I am really enjoying getting familiar with CoGrader, and my students are finding the feedback very useful. This could be a game-changer for time management, and I am so excited about the possibilities!
Krista R., Indiana
I started my free trial period - and I am LOVING it! I recently had my 85 sixth grade students write a narrative that would have taken me weeks to grade. With CoGrader, they were graded with amazing feedback in, literally, seconds.
Jamie G., New York
I discovered CoGrader today and I can't thank you enough! What usually takes me days (and way too many hours of off-contract time), took me mere hours. It is such a find that I plan on hosting a PD for my staff in the next few weeks.
Heather G., California
I am just getting into using CoGrader and I LOVE it! It is giving much better and more relevant feedback to students than other Al feedback generators do. So, thank you for that!
Amy K., Maryland
THANKS! Co-workers, students and I have compared results from CoGrader with a variety of other AI scoring for AP essays, and yours is BY FAR the most accurate, with the best feedback (I score for the AP Exam).
Cathy U., Massachusetts
So far, I like it very much. It saves me a lot of time because I can quickly see how a student scores and then have the option to edit scores, details, and the reasoning behind it. I especially like that I can upload my own rubrics (we're required to make our own). I appreciate how easy you were to contact, too.
Lisa T., Colorado
I LOVE it and shared it with my co-workers.
Amy B., California
I can't figure out why y'all complain. This is amazing. I almost cried when I used it. It was as if someone handed me my weekends back on a silver platter.
Michelle F., Colorado
I LOVE COGRADER!!!!! I just graded an assignment and sent the feedback to the students to complete a rewrite using the feedback!!!! I teach 9th grade World History.
Susan R., New Jersey
Short version, I absolutely love it.
The feedback it gives is much more detailed than I have time to provide and yet, I'm still able to go in and add my own comments if needed and adjusted points if I want to.
This allows me to assure parents that I AM looking at their children's papers and not just turning them over to an Al to grade. Love it!
Louis S., Washington
Honestly? The concept is pretty damn fantastic. It's the sort of thing I've been hoping would eventually exist. It's doing a pretty good job with my 9th Honors intro paragraphs so far. I love the format of being able to see student writing on the right and seeing feedback (the whole glow, grow, etc. thing is adorable without being too cheesy and I love it). I also like being able to see the rubric and adjust scoring levels.
Amy S., California
Hello, I am testing your Al product and so far it is the best That I have experienced. I teach AP Language and Composition with 138 students in 4 sections that I teach.
James H., Texas
I'II admit, I was skeptical of the site at first. But after using it to grade my students' narratives, I'm pretty much sold on it. I don't think any Al is going to be perfect when it comes to grading essays, but this comes pretty darn close.
Jacob R., Ohio
I'm loving it. I've tried multiple Al grading systems, all have problems with functionality and costs are not very teacher-friendly. However, yours is impressively functional and hasn't cost me a penny. Honestly, I've been waiting for you all to spring a bill on me. (Lol)
Jared S., Texas
I'm really grateful to have access to this! I'm going to play around with it a bit more and make a few templates. I'm curious what it will do with the AP rubrics and scori sample texts. Those are normed, but they also have scoring justifications that would be neat to see how CoGrader reacts to.
Andrew G., Colorado
It gives far more feedback than I would. Especially considering how many essays I grade. This is huge for me. I love that the essay is to the right and I can edit the comments and add my own and adjust the score. I also tested it by posting an essay on my AP Lang facebook group. Essentially asking other AP graders to grade the essay. I scored it a 1/3/0, cograder scored it as a 1/3/0, and the random AP teacher that volunteered to grade the essay scored it a 1/3/0. So that is pretty good.
Jason Y., North Carolina
I am in love with the program so far. Al is a game changer.
Shannon W., Texas
I can already tell it's going to be a game changer! I'm so impressed by the level of feedback and specific improvements it suggests.
Would like to look into your advocate program!
Andrew G., Colorado
I just signed up another teacher, and she cried when she saw how fast CoGrader wrote feedback on the college essays that she is feeling anxious about being 2 weeks late grading.
This is her first full-time teaching job, and she was feeling like a failure, because it's not possible to keep up with what some people expect of her, and what she's been taught to expect of her self.
CoGrader is going to help her stay in teaching.
Andrew G., Colorado